Union Pacific 2022


Union Pacific, a railroad company, has been ranked as a PACESETTER based on the criteria used for the Women’s Power Index. Union Pacific is committed to eliminating the gender pay gap and currently uses statistical analysis to find protentional pay discrepancies. For professional development opportunities, Union Pacific has a women’s initiative program designed to help promote and retain women while also providing resources such as mentorship opportunities, networking, and personal development. Based on the most recent EEO data, 23% of its executives are women, and 6% of the total workforce is female. Union Pacific offers childcare benefits, 12 weeks of maternity leave, two weeks of paternity leave, and health benefits such as mammograms. We could not find information regarding a gender equality program or harassment and discrimination training.

Download this profile as a PDF, here.


Workforce Profile

Perecentage of Workforce who are female (current year) 46.5%, Perecentage of Workforce who are female (previous year) 46.6%

Percentage of Leadership who are Women (current year) 23.5%, Percentage of Leadership who are Women (previous year) 22.2%


Percentage of Female Professionals in Leadership Positions .13, Percentage of Male Professionals in Leadership Positions .33, Perentage of Total Professions in Leadership Positions .24


Binary scores are calculated as 1 or 0.  0 indicates that information for this category was not readily available to the public.


Pay Gap

Existence of policy to address the gender pay gap

"Pay equity is an ongoing commitment that requires a high degree of integrity. Every worker has the right to expect equal pay for equal work regardless of their gender, race, religion, national origin, age or physical/mental abilities. Union Pacific offers pay transparency so employees can understand how their wages compare to target ranges across all company levels. Each year, we perform a statistical analysis to identify potential pay equity concerns. If any gaps are identified, an action plan is created to address any concerns and verify the appropriate action is taken in conjunction with our mid-year and/or year-end compensation programs."

Ref: pg 37, Union Pacific Building America Report




Career Growth

Professional Development

Existence of professional development programs geared towards female employees

"LEAD: A Women's Initiative: Lead. Educate. Achieve. Develop. The LEAD Mission is to foster an environment that increases
opportunities for women to be recruited, retained and advanced as Union Pacific leaders; to make a difference through
professional programming, personal development, mentoring and community involvement." Ensuring professional
developmental opportunities are available to women, throughout the year LEAD members plan other educational programs on
job performance, investments, environmental stewardship and networking."

Ref: pg 2, Union Pacific Professional Development




Existence of formal mentoring programs to facilitate advancement of careers of female employees

We couldn't find any information related to this criterion.




Recruitment Efforts

Written commitment to attracting women to open positions

"Union Pacific is committed to affirmative action for women and minorities at all levels and in all segments of our workforce."

Ref: pg 1, Union Pacific Affirming Diversity

"Just as important as retaining our employees is building a robust pipeline to recruit the very best and encourage women to see
themselves succeeding at Union Pacific"

Ref: pg 39, Union Pacific Building America Report



Work-Life Balance


Childcare Benefits

Existence of childcare subsidies and support

"We recognize employees may need help at home to support the varying work schedules required to run the railroad's 24/7 operations. This is why we offer a company child development center, as well as access to Bright Horizons Care Advantage™. This resource provides access to the largest self-select online database of caregivers. Featured services supporting better work-life balance include Center-Based Child Care, Babysitters, and Nannies..."

Ref: pg 2, Union Pacific Management Benefits



Caregiver PTO

Availability of paid caregiver leave in excess of government mandates

"Birth mothers will receive six weeks of paid leave in addition to short-term disability six-week benefit for normal delivery or eight-week benefit for cesarean section delivery. Employees not receiving Maternity leave may take Parental leave. Parental leave is a paid leave of up to 2 weeks to actively bond with a child following (1) the birth of an employee’s own child or (2) the placement of a child with an employee in connection with adoption or foster care."

Ref: pg 2, Union Pacific Management Benefits



Health Benefits

Existence of female oriented health benefits

""Union Pacific's ERG Lead, Educate, Achieve and Develop (LEAD) played a part in the fight against breast cancer by providing a mobile mammography van stationed outside Omaha, Nebraska's Harriman Dispatching Center. Employees scheduled short, 15-minute appointments around their busy work schedules."

Ref: pg 6, Union Pacific Engaging Employees



External Stakeholder

Community Engagement

Organizational support of initiatives that drive gender equality and women’s empowerment in the community

"Union Pacific intends to double the number of women in its workforce within the next 10 years. To help do this, the railroad is partnering with The Manufacturing Institute (MI) -- the National Association of Manufacturers’ workforce development and education partner -- on a $3 million, three-year joint initiative called Careers on Track."

Ref: pg 1, Union Pacific Community Engagement




Inclusive Culture

Gender Equality Program

Additional Programs that promote gender Equality within the Industry or the company

We couldn't find any information related to this criterion



Harassment Policy

Explicitly defined policies against sexual harassment and existence of anti-harassment policies that address verbal, physical, sexual and psychological harassment and violence

""Union Pacific is committed to providing a work environment free from offensive behavior directed at a person's race, color, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, gender identity, veteran status or disability. This includes offensive behavior directed at other employees, customers and visitors to company facilities, as well as others with whom employees may come in contact with during the normal course of work or while representing the company."

Ref: pg 1, Union Pacific Affirming Diversity



Harassment and Discrimination Training

Existence of policies mandating discrimination and sexual harassment training

We couldn't find any information related to this criterion