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Microsoft Ranked as a Trailblazer on the Women's Power and Influence Index

Friday, October 20, 2023 - 14:02

The Difference Engine is thrilled to announce the latest ranking for the Women’s Power and Influence Index. Today, we congratulate the technology company Microsoft on its ranking of “TRAILBLAZER” on the Index. 

For this ranking, our research team thoroughly analyzed Microsoft’s public reports and Microsoft’s EEOC data. By earning the ranking of “TRAILBLAZER,” Microsoft acknowledges the importance of pay equity, childcare benefits, and community engagement. 

Key highlights from the WPI team's research: 

  • Pay Equity and Compensation: Microsoft has achieved a 100% pay equity among its employees! 
  • Childcare Benefits: Microsoft provides back-up childcare and up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for their employees. 
  • Community Engagement: Microsoft promotes gender equality outside the workplace through its DigiGirlz program, which helps women and girls develop skills in technology. 

Male vs female employees at Microsoft

Although Microsoft is leading the way for gender equity in the workplace, this trailblazer could offer more transparency with its recruitment and mentorship of women employees in the company. 

For those interested in reading more on our ranking system and Microsoft, please visit Microsoft’s company profile. If you’d like to receive more updates from The Difference Engine and the Women’s Power and Influence Index, please follow us on social media!

The Women's Power and Influence Index not only sheds light on the status of women within corporate structures but also promotes equitable practices. At The Difference Engine, we firmly believe that transparency catalyzes change, empowering women to make informed career decisions and encouraging support for companies that prioritize gender equity.

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